Star Trek Attack Wing Deep Space Nine Expansion Pack
Dimensions 11.3" H x 13.5" W x 14" D
This detailed pre-painted ship is a perfect addition to any Star Trek: Attack Wing collector and comes with pegs and stands, as well as turn dials, cards and upgrade tokens for use in the Star Trek: Attack Wing game.
Dokiu4Deep Space 9, originally known as Terok Nor, was an orbital space station constructed by the Cardassians in orbit of Bajor during their occupation of the planet. Following the Cardassian withdrawal, the station came under Federation administration at the request of the Bajoran provisional government. After Commander Benjamin Sisko and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax discovered a stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant in the system's Denorios belt, the station was relocated to the mouth of the wormhole and became a vital commercial port and defensive outpost. It later became a key strategic location during the Dominion War, for both the Dominion and the Federation Alliance. Deep Space 9, in the form of an oversized cardboard token with associated cards, is the participation prize for Month 1 of the Star Trek: Attack Wing Organized Play tournament, The Dominion War. The Grand Prize of the Dominion War tournament will be a pre-painted plastic miniature of Deep Space 9.
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