Z-Man Battle Beyond Space Game
ZMG7086 Battle Beyond Space by Z-Man Games
Far beyond the bounds of the Solar System, a signal is launched that penetrates warp space. The signal is old the only known working piece of technology from an ancient race.
Four different fleets answer the siren¦s call, intent on claiming the Artifact for themselves at all costs. The destination: a lone asteroid ringed by failed ancient satellites in the middle of a lifeless asteroid field.
1 Board (with hexes for 3 - 4 players)
8 Capital Ships (2 per player)
1 Rulebook 17 Asteroid Markers
36 Movement Cards (9 for each player)
7 Sensor Probe Markers
12 Special Power Cards (3 for each player)
5 Capital Ship Damage Markers
72 Fighters (12 squadrons of 6 ships each)
2 Elite Fighter Markers
4 Shield Markers
2 Elite Fighter Damage Markers
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