Pokemon TAG TEAM Tag Team Power Collection 6ct Case (Currently Unavailable)
You will receive at random, one Pokémon TCG: TAG TEAM POWERS Collection featuring either Espeon & Deoxys-GX or Umbreon & Darkrai-GX.
The Pokémon TCG: TAG TEAM Powers Collection includes 1 full-art foil card featuring Espeon & Deoxys-GX and 1 full-art foil card featuring Umbreon & Darkrai-GX.
You will also get 1 of 2 possible full-art foil oversize cards featuring one of these TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX.
This also comes with 1 full-art foil card featuring Eevee-GX, 1 foil promo card featuring Carracosta-GX, and 3 more promo cards featuring Leafeon, Glaceon, and Regigigas.
You will also find 8 Pokémon TCG booster packs and a code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online.
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